Work in Progress, please be patient

About Me

Hi! Welcome to the tiny piece of old web nostalgia I've made for myself. My name is Zero- well, not really, but I've been using the handle for so long that it feels like my government name at this point. I'm a millennial trying to recapture the joys of experiencing The Computer (tm) during a different time on the internet, and maybe learning how to code new cool things in the process. I have an alright knowledge of HTML thanks to MySpace (Tom the GOAT) and a very basic knowledge of CSS, but what better time to sharpen your skills than the present! If you're curious about the nitty-gritty of who I am offline, here are some of my player stats:

Lvl: 34
Class: Bard (College of Eloquence)
Likes: vidya, art, poetry, cooking, tacky holiday decorations, weird t-shirts, "blue" flavored things, pretending to be a man online.